Dedicated Servers USA - Intel Xeon E3-1220v1 (3.1GHz/ 3.4GHz Turbo 4c, 4t)/ 32GB RAM/ 240GB SSD/ 33TB bandwidth on 1Gbps link/ 5 IPv4 - Preconfig USA

Model: Intel
Processor: 1x Intel Xeon E3-1220 (4c, 4t) SSD - Preconfig
CPU Frequency: 3.1GHz/ 3.4GHz Turbo
No. of CPU Cores: 4 (4thread)
Hard Drive(s): 1x 240GB SSD
FBandwidth (Monthly): 33TB
Access: Full Root Access
OS: Linux
Remote Management: SSH
Reboot: Yes
Data Center: USA, (1)

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